Did you know....
You can be SELF EMPLOYED as a carer! Or a support worker or a PA, or whatever term you wish to use!
So just like a plumber or an electrician can offer their services as a self employed business, so can you as a carer. The only difference being is that care is the service you provide!
Let's bust the myth that you MUST work for a company if you are a carer! That is not true! You CAN be your own boss! You can be a Self Employed Carer!
The care industry struggles to retain staff, and recruit for that matter! With long hours, low pay, delivering an overstretched service, a care job doesn't feel many people with joy! And many who truly wish to provide great care, often end up leaving due to frustration with the system and the actual lack of caring!
But what if there was a better way to deliver care?
The self employed carer model is a better way to care, for all involved....

The Person Needing Care
Know's who is coming through their door
Likes & trusts their carer
Has a relationship with them
Care tailored to their wishes & wants, not just their needs
Flexible care
Can get more for their money
Receives high quality care

The Carer's Family
Can juggle things around so you can always attend Christmas plays, sports days & birthdays!
Have spare income so can say yes to doing more fun things
Can have mum/dad around more rather than them always picking up extra shifts to try and make ends meet.
Have a happy household.

The Person Needing Care's Loved Ones
Has peace of mind that their loved one is well cared for
Is able to ask for advice and help from an experienced professional
Can continue their lives without their loved ones needs massively impacting on their own life
Don't have to keep taking time off work
Can go on holiday without worry!

The Community
The community has a carer they can rely on and recommend
You can attend and support community events with your clients
You become an important and trusted person in the community
People in the community often become your best source of word of mouth business advertising!

The Carer
Becomes their own boss
Earns £18-£25 per hour
Can tailor the business to fit their lifestyle
Can work less hours
Can focus on providing high quality care for a handful of clients
True job satisfaction every day
Can choose who to work with

Other Carers
Other carers see how amazing your job is and join you in being self employed
You can work alongside each other to provide a more reliable service
You can pass each work referrals when you are fully booked!
You can make carer friends.
Self Employed Care truly is the Better Way To Care
Hi, I'm Maria
I help people who work in the care sector to see that there is a better way to care for both the people they care for and themselves! I believe happy carers deliver fabulous care. And the self employed care model allows carers to be happy, fulfilled and well rewarded for they fabulous job that they do! I help carers to build the confidence and clarity to go out, take the leap and create their very own thriving self employed care business.
I'm a mum to two little boys, the Founder and CEO of the Professional Carers Network, a Self Employed Carer and Your Carer Coach! And I'm here to help you every step of the way on your new business journey. ​​​​

After establishing my own self employed care service over 4 years ago, I have seen my care service thrive. I work alongside my friend Cheryl, and we have been inundated with work since getting started, we turn work away on a weekly basis! There is no big secret as to why, we are simply amazing at what we do! We provide high quality flexible care tailored to the individual and their wishes and wants, not just their needs.
But I'm no better than many many carers out there. There are so many truly gifted and caring people working in the care industry that are stuck in low paying, dead end jobs, working long hours delivering an overstretched service, and they simply don't know they can work for themselves. They don't know, there is a better way. They don't know that they too, could have a thriving business!
I've now helped over 100 carers to take the leap and go self employed and they have never been happier! So I've put all that business building knowledge into a step by step course, the Carepreneur Academy! Along the way of building my own business and then helping 100 more people do the same, I've learnt the little nuances that make a good business a great business. Here's your chance to learn from others that have done it before you, benefit from my mistakes and learning, so you don't have to guess and worry, you can thrive straight away!
Imagine finishing each and every day of work knowing you truly had provided the best care possible and excited to go back the next day to see your lovely clients! And being well rewarded for the fabulous job that you do!
Care can be a great career. Being self employed, owning your own business, being your own boss, is the way we make care a career worth entering the industry for! And we will be here to champion you every step of the way!​​
But don't just take my word for it......
Wendy, Edmonton
I was struggling on my own not sure where to start, then I found the Professional Carers Network. All documents was easy to follow, step by step instructions. And now I can say it was worth every effort!
Tina, Lancashire
The Professional Carers Network support has given me the confidence to become self employed. My work - homelife balance has improved since becoming self employed thus I am able to convey my feelings of well being into my work.
Stacey, Cornwall
I feel more supported by the Professional Carers Network than any employer I have ever encountered in care! I'm forever telling people about this wonderful group and how nice it is to have a great network of support.
Here's What You Get With The Carepreneur Academy...
Here's how we help you create your own thriving business

Our 4 Steps Training Course
Follow our proven step by step strategy to get your business up and running! Go from feeling overwhelmed and overlooked to confident and fully booked!
£1997 VALUE

Weekly Q&As
Every Friday you have the chance to get your questions answered live!

Supportive Community
Join our exclusive Carepreneur Academy Facebook group to meet other likeminded carers!

Easy To Use Workbook
Not only is the course easy to follow with short easy to digest videos, but you get access to a workbook to help prompt you on the important decisions to make!

Enhanced DBS Check Bonus
We can process for you an Enhanced DBS check at a discounted rate. No admin fee charged.

Managing Your Money Bonus!
So you've got great money coming in now...but now what! Watch these bonus videos to make sure you handle your money so you are all set for holidays, your tax return and reaching your goals!

The Income Formula...
And just to really hit home how good of a deal this is......

Employed Carer
Self Employed Carer
Tax Deductible Cost!
Earns on average £9.50-£11 per hour
Earns on average £20 - £25 per hour
The Course cost can go down as a tax deductable business expense!
Join us so that we can show you how you can earn more money, have more fun and take control of your career all whilst stil doing your caring role!
Kelly, Fleetwood
Most of all I take away the confidence to KNOW I can do it and the REASSURANCE that if I need help I've got the support of the Professional Carers Network. Thank you so much
Katrina, Northampton
I have gained my first 2 clients and will be starting my self-employed journey earlier than planned so thank you so much
Joanne Lancashire
You go above and beyond for all of us, thank you!